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谁是罪犯?? 他们是怎么想的? 他们为什么要这么做? 充分了解犯罪行为-以及如何预防犯罪, predict future actions and assist in investigations – is the key to furthering your career in criminology. If you are someone who is curious about human behavior and what leads a person to engage in crime, TU’s criminal behavior program will provide the knowledge and experience you’ll need to help prevent crime and protect society.

The 刑事司法学士 in 犯罪行为 is designed to provide you with an understanding of why people commit crime. The major is designed for students interested in examining the relationship between 心理学 and the criminal justice system. You’ll study diverse areas of criminal behavior and come to understand common traits among offenders and how the justice system manages such individuals.


With a basis in 法医心理学, the program focuses on criminal justice and criminal behavior. Some universities offer online 法医心理学 courses or criminal justice programs, but very few merge the two into a program geared toward developing a better understanding of criminal behavior. The program is intended for students who intend to work in fields such as 法律 enforcement, 机构或社区矫正, 公共或私人安全.

  • The major is well suited for those who desire to help people or make a difference in the world.
  • Tiffin University has a reputation for being a leading institution in the field of 法医心理学.
  • 该课程将为你在监狱系统等领域的工作做好准备, 康复中心, 警察部门, 法院, 律师事务所, 学校, 政府机构或私营部门.
  • 该项目提供的课程侧重于刑事司法和犯罪行为, 比如暴力和攻击心理学, 威胁评估, 矫正策略, 和应用刑事调查与刑事学.

Most of our professors who teach online are working professionals in the field, 无论是以前还是现在. 他们有执法方面的专业经验, 法律, 缓刑和假释, 心理学, 咨询, 法医心理学, 政府,联邦和国家安全. Their real-world field experience greatly enhances content offered in courses.

课程在程序中创建和更新,以反映最新的, 本领域的相关理论. You’ll acquire career-ready knowledge and the latest perspectives on criminal behavior, including:

  • 该领域的伦理原则
  • 犯罪的性质和原因
  • 犯罪的心理原因和犯罪行为
  • 暴力心理学与威胁评估
  • 趋势和主要犯罪问题及统计数字
  • 美国法律制度的变化特征
  • 司法机构和人员
  • 刑事司法机构管理
  • 机构和个案管理
  • 矫正策略
  • 人口管理策略
  • 罪犯再入
  • 罪犯动机、理论与政策

而我们的是在线课程, 你将积极参与与同学和老师的论坛讨论, and some courses involve outside assignments where you’ll visit criminal justice system sites or interview people 在社区里.

在课程的最后一年, you’ll complete an internship in the field and you can choose a setting where you can focus on the area in which you’d like to specialize. Students complete an internship usually at a community or social service agency in Tiffin or the surrounding community.

A semester-long course is devoted to cultural awareness and multi文化问题. You’ll engage in experiential learning activities as well as research to learn more about various groups and cultures, 他们学习与不同人群打交道的技能. 案件的例子, 文化问题, and information about working with diverse populations is woven throughout various other courses and assignments within the program.


刑事司法学院核心课程= 18学时

犯罪行为专业= 48小时

在线主修课程, 3 hours each – unless noted (to be taken in addition to Criminal Justice Core):

  • COR110矫正策略
  • COR420机构管理
  • 应用刑事调查和刑事学
  • ENF293犯罪学
  • FOR105受害者研究
  • FOR344暴力与攻击心理学
  • 《毒品与社会
  • 423病例管理
  • 心理学入门
  • 社会中的多元文化问题
  • PSY362异常行为
  • FOR310威胁评估
  • 社会学概论
  • 社会心理学
  • 两门开放选修课(每门3小时)

总计 = 48小时

刑事司法学士总学时= 121

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


机构管理(COR420) – This course analyzes some of the distinct differences between public and private management. The theory of controlling, organizing, planning, directing and assembling resources is covered. Students will develop a course project designed to cover the concepts explored in this course.

应用刑事调查及刑事学(ENF239) -重点调查具体罪行,包括, 但不限于, 杀人, 性侵犯, 加重攻击罪, 抢劫, 入室盗窃, 盗窃, 盗窃汽车和纵火. 学生们将被要求调查一个“模拟”犯罪现场, collect and analyze evidence obtained and present their investigation in a “moot” court.

暴力与攻击心理学(FOR344) – Course examines the changes in the methods, patterns, and meanings of violence. Special attention is paid to individual and collective violence in the streets, 在学校, 在家里, 媒体内部, 警察, 恐怖分子和军队. 解释暴力原因的主要理论, and important research about attitudes toward violence and the showing of force to bring about change are reviewed.

毒品与社会(FOR365) -考虑各种类型的药物, 使用动态, 滥用, 上瘾, and recovery; social, 法律, 经济, and psychological impact on structure and function of society; current trends; diagnosis and treatment; prevention strategies.


在线 – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October

The 刑事司法学士 in 犯罪行为 is designed for those who desire to work in the field of criminal justice, 法医心理学, 法律, 修正, 心理健康及其他.

  • 社区修正
  • 法院
  • 政府机构
  • 机构调整
  • 律师事务所
  • 警察部门
  • 监狱系统
  • 私人或公共安全
  • 康复中心
  • 学校

If graduate school becomes part of your career plan, Tiffin University has a large 在线研究生课程在刑事司法与各种浓度. Our students in these graduate programs often have decades of experience in the field and come to us to get their master’s degrees to attain top administrative positions, 比如警察局长.





“Tiffin University gave me my best friend and pushed me to my highest potential. The OPOTA program put me ahead in the hiring process and my bachelor’s degree set me apart from other candidates.”
